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The first outcome of the project will be a booklet on street harassment as a form of gendered violence, gender roles & stereotypes and the education on it in schools. It will be based on focus groups conducted with educators in each partner country. Teaching school children about the topics of street harassment in specific is an innovative approach and lens when tackling gender inequalities and has, to our knowledge, received only very little attention in educational programs. The data and information collected in all countries will result in a booklet that will be made available online in English, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch and Polish. The booklet is expected to give an interesting and innovative insight into the topic of street harassment as gendered violence, gender roles and interventions for it in five European educational systems. It could thus also be a base for future (academic and scientific) research on this important topic.

Download the Booklet that is available in English, Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, Italian and Polish.


The second outcome, the course, will be the core of the EquAlley project. Within this phase, an educational blended-learning course for children from the age of 12-16 will be created. The course will consist of three parts: in the first part, all genders of one group/class attending the course will be introduced to the topic together and an exchange on gender roles, norms and stereotypes between all genders will be promoted. This exchange is expected to create empathy and perspective taking specifically for male to female youngsters, which is expected to increase their impulse to intervene in such situations. The second part of the course will be constructed specifically to gender due to the high sensitivity of the topic and the necessity of a target-oriented content differing between male and female youngsters. Non-binary/queer pupils will be free to choose to attend either of the groups or not to attend at all – most of them will be perceived as either of the sexes due to gender expression and perception from their environment. For the “male” group, the main focus of the course will lay on teaching and discovering masculinity, sexism and how to become a male ally in situations where gendered violence, in particular, street harassment happens. In the “female” group, the focus will be on discovering (stereotypical) gender roles, teaching and promoting self-efficacy, self-empowerment and ways of coping with/reacting to street harassment. In general, the creation of the course will be centered around the goal to sensitize for, prevent and decrease discriminative behavior and attitudes, providing tools on who to cope with such behaviors and attitudes, as well as breaking through stereotypical, normative gender roles and views. This two-dimensional approach is innovative in itself and the first to include the important aspect of street harassment specifically in educational programs on gender inequality.

Download the Course that is available in English, Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, Italian and Polish.


The third outcome of the project is the guide for educators to facilitate the course. The guide will be made for educators working with children between the age of 12-16 and serve as support and help in how to conduct the course. The guide will entail all essential activities of the course but will also include important information on the topic of gender roles, norms & stereotypes as well as street harassment as a form of gendered violence (for example information collected through the focus groups as well as a glossary). As it will be made available freely in English, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch and Polish, it is expected to have an impact on educators, schools and institutions on a European level, teaching on this important topic. It will be accessible and distributed online in a digital form.

Download the Guide that is available in English, Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, Italian and Polish.

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Project: 2021-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000032603
Co-Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.